Sunday, December 8, 2013

At the Church

 The Graz Ward Church Building where we come almost every day. It only takes us about 5 minutes to get there from our apartment.  The kitchen is in the back, the RS room is next to the kitchen where we serve the dinner for Institute night, and the JAE room is in the basement. Those are the rooms we use most and we do alot of running around up and down the stairs which is good exercise, right? Our Friday waffle nights are downstairs also. 

 The RS room for District meeting. I fixed us lunch before the meeting. We had chili, etc.
Elder Tew at what he does best. Stuffing a whole chocolate marshmallow cookie into his mouth and loving every morsel.


Unknown said...

baha! completely laughed out loud when i saw the pic of rick. you're right--so in character.

Unknown said...

And ps, those missionaries have it SO good. Homemade chili at district mtg? Sheesh. Lucky ducks!

Lindsey said...

Glad to see Dad is the same! The funny thing is that it made me hungry for one of those too! mmm

The Tews said...

That is really nice that the church is so close. Mabel thinks that picture of Grandpa is really funny!